sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009

Los 10 mejores cómics de 2008

Como siempre sucede por estas fechas, las listas de las mejores películas, los mejores discos, los mejores libros… pululan por doquier y , cómo no, los aficionados al cómic elaboramos nuestra lista. En mi caso he seleccionado los 10 cómics que más me han gustado de los que he leído el pasado año 2008 y que se han publicado por primera vez en el mercado español. Los he listado de por orden de preferencia:
1. Lost Girls de Alan Moore y Melinda Gebbie (Top Shelf/Norma)
En mi opinión el mejor cómic del año. Alan Moore vuelve a demostrar su maestría y su capacidad de sorprender al lector con una historia que va más allá de lo puramente pornográfico. Para profundizar algo más en esta obra me remito a la página que le dediqué en su momento.
2. Promethea, Libro 5 de Alan Moore y J.H. Williams (America´s Best Comics/Norma)
Por fin llegamos a la inédita (en España) conclusión de uno de los mejores cómics de los últimos tiempos. Este último Libro recopila la Revelación contada y transmitida mediante cómic por el mago de Nothampton y maravillosamente ilustrada por el genial J. H. Williams III. IMPRESCINDIBLE.
3.Señal y ruido de Neil Gaiman y Dave Mckean (Dark Horse/Astiberri)
Las colaboraciones entre Gaiman y McKean siempre resultan interesantes. En este caso estamos ante una auténtica obra de arte en la que se reflexiona precisamente sobre el mismo arte, el proceso de creación artística, la muerte…, con un perfecto equilibriio entre texto e ilustración.
4.El número 73304-23-4153-6-96-8
de Thomas Ott (La Cúpula)
Extraña y arriesgada propuesta en la que se nos cuenta una terrorífica historia en forma de bucle indefinido y todo ello sin palabras, mediante el silencio, solo con las imágenes contenidas en las misteriosas viñetas que conforman la excelente narrativa de este estupendo tomo.
de Ed Brubaker y Sean Phillips (Marvel/Panini)
Ed Brubaker vuelve a colaborar con Sean Phillips en otro título que es una auténtica maravilla. Los disfrutamos anteriormente en la estupenda Sleeper, y ahora volvemos a tenerlos juntos en una historia que pertenece al más puro género negro, con una libertad creativa que hace que volvamos a leer al mejor Brubaker, alejado de los convencionalismos comerciales de títulos como Capitán América, Daredevil o X Men que tanto constriñen la capacidad creativa de este autor. Mas comentarios en el post dedicado a Criminal: Lawless.
CUBIERTA El cuaderno rojo NORMA
6.El Cuaderno Rojo de Teddy Kristiansen (Soleil/Norma)
Personalísima y bellísima la última obra del artista danés Teddy Kristiansen. Toda una reflexión en torno al arte y los artistas malditos e injustamente olvidados en una historia en la que se mezclan realidad y ficción.
7.Guerra Silenciosa
de David Hine y Frazer Irving (Marvel/Panini)
En este cómic, que es una continuación de El Vástago de M,vemos a Los Inhumanos apareciendo como unos terroristas que plantean como reivindicación la devolución de las Nieblas Terrígenas por parte de los E.E.U.U. En realidad, David Hinenos plantea una estupenda metáfora superheroica que pone en solfa toda lapolítica exterior planteada por la administración norteamericanadirigida por el presidente Bush.

8.War Fix
de David Axe y Steven Olexa (Glénat)
War Fix es un ejemplo más de lo que puede aportar el cómic independiente americano, de cómo se puede contar una historia autobiográfica con una narrativa gráfica brillante e innovadora, y de cómo se puede reflexionar sobre hechos actuales y trascendentes como la guerra de Irak.
9.Solo 8
de Teddy Kristiansen (DC/Planeta)
Teddy Kristiansen tiene algo mágico, inclasificable, casi diría que etéreo. Y así lo demuestra en el nº 8 de la colección titulada Solo en la que en cada entrega se brinda protagonismo a un artista diferente. En este caso, Kristiansen nos deleita con cinco historias en las que hace gala de un virtuosismo fuera de lo común.
10.El Espectro de John Ostrander y Tom Mandrake (DC/Planeta)
Toda una sorpresa esta magnífica serie en la que John Ostrander realiza la mejor versión que he leído de este viejo personaje de la DC. Los tres tomos que recopilan la etapa de Ostrander y Mandrake resultan adictivos  siendo aún  mejores conforme avanza la trama.

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

10 consejos para escribir microrrelatos

1. Un microcuento es una historia mínima que no necesita más que unas pocas líneas para ser contada, y no el resumen de un cuento más largo.

2. Un microcuento no es una anécdota, ni una greguería, ni una ocurrencia. Como todos los relatos, el microcuento tiene planteamiento, nudo y desenlace y su objetivo es contar un cambio, cómo se resuelve el conflicto que se plantea en las primeras líneas.

3. Habitualmente el periodo de tiempo que se cuente será pequeño. Es decir, no transcurrirá mucho tiempo entre el principio y el final de la historia.

4. Conviene evitar la proliferación de personajes. Por lo general, para un microcuento tres personajes ya son multitud.

5. El microcuento suele suceder en un solo escenario, dos a lo sumo. Son raros los microcuentos con escenarios múltiples.

6. Para evitar alargarnos en la presentación y descripción de espacios y personajes, es aconsejable seleccionar bien los detalles con los que serán descritos. Un detalle bien elegido puede decirlo todo.

7. Un microcuento es, sobre todo, un ejercicio de precisión en el contar y en el uso del lenguaje. Es muy importante seleccionar drásticamente lo que se cuenta (y también lo que no se cuenta), y encontrar las palabras justas que lo cuenten mejor. Por esta razón, en un microcuento el título es esencial: no ha de ser superfluo, es bueno que entre a formar parte de la historia y, con una extensión mínima, ha de desvelar algo importante.

8. Pese a su reducida extensión y a lo mínimo del suceso que narran, los microcuentos suelen tener un significado de orden superior. Es decir cuentan algo muy pequeño, pero que tiene un significado muy grande.

9. Es muy conveniente evitar las descripciones abstractas, las explicaciones, los juicios de valor y nunca hay que tratar de convencer al lector de lo que tiene que sentir. Contar cuentos es pintar con palabras, dibujar las escenas ante los ojos del lector para que este pueda conmoverse (o no) con ellas.

10. Piensa distinto, no te conformes, huye de los tópicos. Uno no escribe (ni microcuentos ni nada) para contar lo que ya se ha dicho mil veces.

12 consejos de Roberto Bolaño para escribir relatos cortos

Como ya tengo 44 años, voy a dar algunos consejos sobre el arte de escribir cuentos.

1) Nunca abordes los cuentos de uno en uno, honestamente, uno puede estar escribiendo el mismo cuento hasta el día de su muerte.
2) Lo mejor es escribir los cuentos de tres en tres, o de cinco en cinco. Si te ves con energía suficiente, escríbelos de nueve en nueve o de quince en quince.
3) Cuidado: la tentación de escribirlos de dos en dos es tan peligrosa como dedicarse a escribirlos de uno en uno, pero lleva en su interior el mismo juego sucio y pegajoso de los espejos amantes.
4) Hay que leer a Quiroga, hay que leer a Felisberto Hernández y hay que leer a Borges. Hay que leer a Rulfo, a Monterroso, a García Márquez. Un cuentista que tenga un poco de aprecio por su obra no leerá jamás a Cela ni a Umbral. Sí que leerá a Cortázar y a Bioy Casares, pero en modo alguno a Cela y a Umbral.
5) Lo repito una vez más por si no ha quedado claro: a Cela y a Umbral, ni en pintura.
6) Un cuentista debe ser valiente. Es triste reconocerlo, pero es así.
7) Los cuentistas suelen jactarse de haber leído a Petrus Borel. De hecho, es notorio que muchos cuentistas intentan imitar a Petrus Borel. Gran error: ¡Deberían imitar a Petrus Borel en el vestir! ¡Pero la verdad es que de Petrus Borel apenas saben nada! ¡Ni de Gautier, ni de Nerval!
8) Bueno: lleguemos a un acuerdo. Lean a Petrus Borel, vístanse como Petrus Borel, pero lean también a Jules Renard y a Marcel Schwob, sobre todo lean a Marcel Schwob y de éste pasen a Alfonso Reyes y de ahí a Borges.
9) La verdad es que con Edgar Allan Poe todos tendríamos de sobra.
10) Piensen en el punto número nueve. Uno debe pensar en el nueve. De ser posible: de rodillas.
11) Libros y autores altamente recomendables: De lo sublime, del Seudo Longino; los sonetos del desdichado y valiente Philip Sidney, cuya biografía escribió Lord Brooke; La antología de Spoon River, de Edgar Lee Masters; Suicidios ejemplares, de Enrique Vila-Matas.
12) Lean estos libros y lean también a Chéjov y a Raymond Carver, uno de los dos es el mejor cuentista que ha dado este siglo.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

7 ideas TIC contra la crisis

En una jornada muy interesante organizada por Euskadi+innova en la que se abordaban una serie de recetas para conseguir reducir los costes, tanto informáticos como de comunicaciones, en esta época de crisis propusieron estas 7.

De las 7 medidas que proponen hay algunas que habría que tomar con pinzas ya que según el tipo de empresa quizás no sea muy aconsejable abordar, porque en vez de conseguir un ahorro de costes conseguiremos el efecto contrario. Me estoy refiriendo a tanto a la Voz IP como a la Virtualización, ambos temas los trataré en profundidad más adelante.

Por otro lado, yo añadiría otras dos posibles medidas, el Outsourcing y el Hosting; por supuesto que habría que estudiar la viabilidad tanto técnica como económica de esta solución según la estructura IT de la empresa.

Las 7 prácticas y sencillas ideas TIC que proponen desde Euskadi+innova y que pueden reportar ahorro y/o ventajas competitivas a corto plazo son:

1 – TELEFONÍA POR INTERNET. VoIP es un complemento que nos permite ahorrar y aumentar la productividad con respecto a la telefonía tradicional.

2 – CORREO ELECTRÓNICO Y MOVILIDAD. La disponibilidad de un correo de gran capacidad, gestionado profesionalmente y accesible desde cualquier programa de correo o navegador nos permitirá estar siempre al tanto de lo que sucede en nuestro negocio.

3 - ALTERNATIVAS OFIMÁTICAS. Elegir un política de licencias adecuada o alternativas “libres” puede reportarnos grandes ahorros. “Piratear” software ofimático supone un gran riesgo mientras que la alta compatibilidad entre diferentes formatos de ficheros ofimáticos hace viable casi cualquier alternativa.

4 – TELETRABAJO. Trabajos de carácter administrativo, gerencial o generación de conocimiento pueden en parte realizarse desde cualquier ubicación. Coordinar el teletrabajo con el trabajo presencial puede reportarnos importantes ventajas y ahorros.

5 – VIRTUALIZACIÓN. La virtualización convierte el hardware en un elemento flexible y supone importantes ahorros en hardware, licencias y mantenimiento de Sistemas Operativos.

6 – GESTIÓN DE NEGOCIOS Y TIC. Para ahorrar primero hay que saber cuánto gastamos en informática. Después, se debe mejorar las TIC en aquellos procesos que son críticos y calcular el retorno de la inversión.

7- ÚLTIMAS TENDENCIAS. Tendencias que pueden reportarnos ventajas en el presente o futuro cercano.

30 inventos inútiles

Life ha publicado una galería con 30 de los inventos más estúpidos de la historia, una especie de homenaje a algunas de las mayores expresiones de la ‘creatividad humana ligeramente desenfocada’. Entre ellos, este subfusil M3 curvado, ideal para disparar en los rincones, con el peqeño ‘pero’ de que uno no puede ver contra quién o qué está disparando. Pero hay más: el maletín ‘antirrobo’, el detector de emociones para tomates, la sauna portátil, la cuna colgante, el teléfono para laringe… Vamos, que no te vas a aburrir si la visitas.

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

70 formas de ganar dinero como escritor en la red

Get Paid To Write

Smorty pays you for writing your opinion about peoples products, services and websites on your blog. Get paid weekly. No advertising, just write your opinions. You are free to select the subjects that interest you. You can post in multiple blogs to earn more.
PayPerPost pays for blogging. With PayPerPost advertisers are willing to pay you for your opinion on various topics. Make a blog posting, get your content approved, and get paid.
Blogsvertise’s advertisers want you to mention and talk about their websites, products and services in your blogs and journals. They want the publicity, the exposure, the Buzz! that online bloggers and internet journals can generate for their web site products and services. In exchange blogsvertise pays you in paypal per task/blog entry, for writing / talking about / mentioning their website in your blog.
Review Me pays to review products and services on your site. You control what you review.  Submit your site for inclusion into our ReviewMe publisher network. Begin by creating a free account. If approved, your site will enter our ReviewMe marketplace and clients will purchase reviews from you. You decide to accept the review or not. You will be paid $20.00 to $200.00 for each completed review that you post on your site.

Weblogs, Inc. offers you to apply to blog for one of 90 fine blogs — or suggest a blog topic and maybe we’ll start a new blog! WIN bloggers are paid to blog as little or as much as they like, are unfiltered, and can shift from blog to blog within the network. The only requirements are that you be totally honest with your audience and passionate about the subjects you cover.
LoudLaunch provides you with a matched list of relevant advertisers that are seeking influencers such as yourself to help create a buzz. If your blog and interests are aligned with an advertiser’s campaign then you can do your own research and write about them in exchange for pay—not in exchange for a pre-determined outcome but for a fair assessment.
Blogitive provides access to opportunities from companies to post about their news releases. You are paid per posting. All bloggers are paid weekly via Paypal.
BloggerWave is one of many places where you can make/ host a blog and it’s for free. Now you’re ready to air your opinions on the net. And to make money! Your opinions could quickly turn into gold.
InBlogAds system pays for each post request you fulfill. You can choose a post request to your liking.
BlogToProfit connects bloggers with advertisers who want to sponsor your blog. Since its ads are in your posts, the program does not interfere with space you set aside for other ad programs! You have an endless amount of space for posts.
Creative Weblogging is one of the largest blog networks, with over 135 blogs in five languages.
451 Press is always looking for bright, talented writers who want to have their voices heard. It is looking for writers with unique voices to contribute to the growing network of blogs. If you have a passion for a subject then 451 Press just might have a place for you.
Digital Journal is one of the most active news sites on the Internet! Share your thoughts, vote on newsworthy articles, engage in debates and even get paid to report news as a citizen journalist.
BlogBurner was designed to allow you to write content which BlogBurner will market.
Squidoo - Earn money by writing your new blog, or choose to donate your earnings to charity.
About.com is the Web’s leading provider of practical solutions to everyday problems.  If you’re the passionate expert that other people turn to for advice, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You enjoy telling people what computer to buy, explaining how to fix a broken ceiling fan, giving out cheesecake recipes, or helping total strangers plan their vacations, you can become About.com’s writer.
DayTipper If you have a tip that is insightful, helpful, and original, DayTipper will publish it and pay you $3 (US). You write the content. It shares it with the world.
Helium is a community of writers who are revolutionizing publishing. It is a vast resource of experience-based knowledge, wisdom and creativity. We welcome a variety of voices and opinions. If you want to break into freelancing but don’t have a body of clips to show yet, Helium’s Marketplace is for you.
CreamAid is a service that lets you meet other bloggers with similar interests, and make money while doing it.  Anyone can start using CREAMaid by inserting a CREAMaid Conversation widget inside her post. Your post will most likely be selected as long as you abide by the rules. Once selected, your post will be syndicated to all the participating posts through their embedded Conversation widgets.When your post is selected, you will be able to instantly collect a royalty
for your contribution.
Mashable is always searching for writers passionate about new media, Web 2.0 and social sites. Many freelance positions are available, and you can devote as much time as you have available.

Advertising Programs

azoogle ads
Google Adsense lets you earn money from relevant ads on your website. It matches ads to your site’s content, and you earn money whenever your visitors click on them.
Text-Link-Ads - Sell simple, relevant text ads on your website. Retain full editorial control over the advertisers that appear on your website.  You can choose to be emailed every time a new ad is sold so you can approve it or deny it from being published. Text-Link-Ads uses its own pricing algorithm that factors in: the traffic of your website, theme of your website, and link popularity of your website.
BlogAds - The average blogger makes anywhere from $50 to $5000 dollars a month selling blog ads.  To participate in this program you will need to get sponsored by someone in their network.
LinkWorth is constantly increasing its staff to help keep up with our increased business. Its products consist of text link ads, paid blog reviews, in-text links, in-content pay per click ads, rotating text ads, hosted content pages, article submission, directory submission and many more.
CrispAds provides the most suitable model for blog advertising. The CrispAds team believes that blog advertising is a unique issue that requires a solution that addresses the needs of both Advertisers and blog Authors.
Chitika is the “blog dollars” company, creator of the leading blogger-driven merchandising/ shopping network on the Web today. Chitika provides bloggers the opportunity to harness their independent original content and opinions to monetize the traffic to their site.
AzoogleAds lets you maximize revenue from your traffic by promoting offers from our vast network of quality Advertisers. is a performance-based online advertising network that delivers both amazing results for its Advertisers and easy to manage and highly profitable revenue stream for its Publishers. It delivers targeted and untargeted customers from a variety of websites, search portals, newsletters and contextual Publishers. AzoogleAds manages this marketplace of online Publishers eager to generate revenue by promoting products and Advertisers wishing to acquire new customers.
Vibrant In-Text Advertising campaigns will increase your advertising revenue without adding more clutter, allowing you to expand advertising real estate with relevant in-text placements.
MediaFed specialises in a range of products to publish, measure, read and generate revenue from RSS feeds.
Q-Ads is a unique way for you to embed ads anywhere you can place a picture – in your blog post, on your website, in your RSS feed. Because you choose the keywords for your post, you are in control of the ad your website visitors see – it is no longer bound to the content, but to your knowledge of your readers and what you are writing.
PeakClick If you are a webmaster, you can install PeakClick’s code into your pages. Every time your visitors load your pages, PeakClick’s search results appear. Your site visitors click on the PeakClick links. Your PeakClick account is credited and your accumulated balance is paid out to you every 15 days. Webmasters get paid 70% of all sales generated by their traffic. There is no minimum on the amount of traffic you can send. In addition, webmasters get paid bonuses whenever they refer any other qualifying webmasters to PeakClick (equal to 5% of the income of each new affiliate you refer, plus 2% of the income of the new affiliates they refer, and 1% of the income of new affiliates those new affiliates refer - month after month!). PeakClick pays in Euros! Dollar instability may hurt you. If you’d like to be paid in dollars, PeakClick allows you to choose that currency.
DoubleClick is a provider of digital marketing technology and services.
Tribal Fusion  If you want to be Tribal Fusion’s publisher you must have a minimum of 2,000 unique users per day, highly targeted, relevant and regularly updated content, professional site design, and an active user base.
AdBrite enables you to approve or reject any ads purchased for your site. Never worry again about inappropriate content or competitor ads appearing on your ad placements.
ThankYouPages uses a revenue share model to compensate its affiliates. For all paid advertising options, each affiliate will earn a percentage of the revenue from the ThankYouPages system attributable to the affiliate’s users.
Clicksor’s contextual advertising technology allows online visitors to enjoy the content of the Web site and bring generous earnings to webmasters at the same time. Clicksor will pay webmasters up to 60% of the advertising revenue to place contextual ads on their Web sites or blogs. It can also offer the best rates compared to any network with our ClicksorControl feature. Payments are based on a net 15-term on a bi-weekly schedule. Webmasters can select from a wide range of media, such as text banners, graphical banners, pop-under advertisements, search boxes, contextual inline links, layer ads and XML feed to host on their Web sites or blogs.
TargetPoint’s Adpoint and Imagepoint are an optimal solution for displaying targeted textual and graphic ads for website publishers both large and small. Targetpoint delivers ads relevant to the content of your site and to your visitors’ interests, enabling you to both enhance your site, and capitalize on your valuable traffic.
IndustryBrains is successful in creating additional revenue streams for publishers. Our technology enables vertically-focused publishers to monetize their Web sites and deliver relevant contextual text listings and graphical ads.
BulletAds offers attractive benefits for its affiliates and rewards those who show promising results. BulletAds prioritize on the interest of its affiliates with the aim of maximizing your revenue.
ROIRocket is a unique pay-per-action network that connects the top advertisers on the Internet with publishers willing to promote their offers based on a pre-determined commission-able amount.
AdKnowledge provides the easiest way to monetize your existing inventory. Receive industry-leading eCPM´s by outsourcing your ad inventory, either in part or in its entirety. Its technologies work with email, web and search engine inventory.
Yes Advertising accepts and pays traffic from all countries. It offers bi-weekly payment via check or paypal. No volume contracts. High quality and innovative ads.
RevenuePilot provides you the way to monetize your traffic. The Pay For Performance (PFP) and the Pay Per Click (PPC) markets have created ample opportunity for the web publishing community to turn its traffic into pure profits. RevenuePilot offers its affiliates seamless entrance into this highly profitable arena through its Premiere Pay Per Click Network.
Bidvertiser pays for every visitor that clicks on an ad. Its goal is to enable you to make as much as possible from your advertising space, by letting advertisers bid on your ad space. It pays monthly, either by check, or instantly through PayPal with a minimum of only $10
Pheedo advertising platform converts your RSS feeds into rich, dynamically updating advertising that engages your audience. Leverage your existing RSS assets to extend your brand, drive traffic, and acquire new feed subscribers.
ValueClick media is an advertising network partner for publishers. It helps you earn the maximum yield for your display and registration path inventory by giving you expert tools to earn the highest payouts and effective CPMs possible.
OneMonkey  gives any web site web ad hosting capabilities.”Ad Server” is a web-native, ad-server and payment-processing system that allows webmasters to easily outsource their text-based advertising needs. Using OneMonkey.com, webmasters can offer their advertisers the same advantages as sites like Google.com offer their advertisers.
Yahoo Publisher Network use Yahoo to display ads that are relevant to the content of your site and earn money from qualified clicks. No investment is required and setup is quick and easy.

Affiliate Networks and Programs

Amazon Associates By linking to Amazon products and services you can add compelling content for your site visitors enjoyment and receive up to 10% in referral fees for doing so.
ClickBank is the Internet’s largest digital marketplace, where thousands of the web’s most popular products are sold every day. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or promote digital products, ClickBank is for you.
Commission Junction maximizes your revenue opportunities by developing sustainable relationships with top-tier advertisers. Perform and get paid for every sale and lead you generate. For qualifying publishers, take your program to the next level with our industry exclusive solution for top-performers.
LinkShare’s technology is not cookie-based, so it avoids the risks of tracking discrepancies that can result from cookies. It gives you the ability to use individual product links on your site and generate revenue from sales.
Affiliate Fuel is one of the world’s largest affiliate networks, with a record for performance and service second to none. It helps advertisers and publishers work together to create promotions that are exciting, enticing, well-managed, fair, and profitable for everyone involved.
LinkConnector marketing is an excellent way for affiliates to earn money with minimal start up costs. It gives website owners the opportunity to generate revenue by placing merchant promotions on their websites, in their email campaigns, on their blogs, or in search engine listings.
Forex-Affiliate is a world leading and highly paying Forex affiliate program. The Forex industry is the biggest market on earth today, with a daily turnover of 3 trillion dollars. Anyone today can trade Forex online. The participants in this market include central banks, organizations, commercial banks, institutional traders, and private individuals throughout the globe. This is a highly exciting market, though risky! Affiliating in the Forex market offers you a great earning potential, with online access to your traffic performance and your commission. The affiliates are provided with online support, marketing creatives and professional tools – free of charge.
IncentaClick Affiliate Network is a leader in performance based online marketing featuring CPA advertising (Cost Per Action). IncentaClick brings to the table the highest level of online marketing ethics coupled with aggressive execution. Our team of seasoned media veterans will take your online marketing initiatives to the next level. Whether you are looking for Sales, Lead Generation or Brand Development, through our various properties and media avenues we guarantee the largest reach and fastest ROI in the industry.
AdPlosion offers online marketers all they need in order to fully bask in the glow of success. Quality affiliate partners for our advertisers and exclusive offers for our publishers are just a few things we bring to the marketing table for you to feast on. You can earn revenue by selling leads, clicks and products from their advertisers.  Also runs an incentive points program in addition to your commissions.
AffiliateFuture -If you are responsible for a website and want to increase its earning potential, join AffiliateFuture’s network to earn more revenue from your visitors. It works by allowing Merchants to advertise on your site, and AffiliateFuture pays you monthly when these adverts generate visits, leads or sales.
ClixGalore is an affiliate network consisting of 7500+ advertisers for you to choose from.
ThinkAction focuses is on maximizing revenue for each and every one of our partners through top offers and exclusive programs. It claims to have the top payouts and the possibility of earning over $100,000 dollars per month.
RocketProfit is an affiliate network, pays via check after your commissions reach $25 dollars.
With CafePress you can earn affiliate commissions by selling your personally branded merchandise.

Paid Social Media Programs

Dada.net is a social site with a revenue sharing program that pays you for referring friends and driving traffic.
Jyve is an online knowledge exchange where users worldwide share experience and expertise. A place for people to meet and professionals to market, Jyve is the place to go when you know–or need to know–right now. It pays you for answers, advice and peer support to people in need of some help.
Cruxy provides powerful marketing, monetization and performance tools for digital creators, whether filmmakers, musicians or artists of any kind. Cruxy’s tools give artists the power to share their work on Cruxy or across the web using the Cruxy Social Player. Cruxy also gives creators the ability to sell their work as digital downloads. Artists can sell just about any type of media file at the price they choose. It just takes a small fee (10% + $.15 per transaction) with the rest going to the creator. Fans can buy content using PayPal, Google Checkout or any major credit card.
BitWine pays for giving advice and answering questions for people, on subjects of your interests and choice. You just need to sign up for a BitWine Advisor account, downloading the BitWine Taskbar, and set up a payment method for your Clients.
Ether allows you to earn money. If you are a computer expert, a blogger, or a good gossiper, you can earn money selling what you say to others over the phone or through email. You set your rates and call availability.
JustAnswer If  you are an expert in your field and you want to share your knowledge with others, just look through the question list, and find yourself answering the questions with ease, put your skills to work by applying to become a Just Answer expert.
MetaCafe is one of the world’s largest video sites, attracting more than 25 million unique viewers each month. You can upload your videos and earn money based on the number of views you receive.
ChaCha is the first search engine that uses the brainpower of really smart people to find anything you want on the Internet. If you are a motivated self-starter that shares our commitment to building a world-class organization, you might be the right person for ChaCha.
AssociatedContent is a platform that enables everyone to publish their content in any format on any topic and then distributes that content to engaged audiences through its website and content partners. Those who contribute to Associated Content’s ad-supported collection of original text, video, audio and images gain exposure and often earn cash for their participation.
myLot is a growing community of individuals from around the world who enjoy sharing information, meeting new people, and helping each other out. It pays you for posting, commenting and using their social network.
KnowBrainers Questions are asked by members of our community in a wide range of subject areas including entertainment, history, science, pet care, parenting, automotive, home contracting, computer help, health, and law. It pays you to get involved with the community and answer questions.